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Search Leon Valley Municipal Court Records Online

Court Name:
Leon Valley Municipal Court
Court Type:
Municipal Court
Street Address:
6400 El Verde Road
Leon Valley
Zip Code:
(210) 684-1391
7:30AM - 6PM (M-Th). 8AM - 5PM (F)
Karen Coe
Clerk Phone:
(210) 684-1391 ext 213
Clerk Email:
About Additional Info:
Those who received a citation and have not contacted the court, you must still call the court and let them know how you want to resolve the citation by the initial appearance date that is listed on the citation. In many instances, people can resolve their citation without having to appear in person by calling 210-684-1391, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. If you do not receive a notice from the court, please call 210- 684-1391. You can mail in documents approved by the court to 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238. You can also pay your citation online. (Limiting staff, we appreciate your patience as we work through this unprecedented situation).
6400 El Verde Road, 78238, Leon Valley, Texas